Addi and Randall all dolled up for the annual Daddy-Daughter Dance that the Activity Day girls puts together. The girls each make a plate of refreshments, it may seem old-fashioned but I love it.
Just in case practice every day was not enough time at the pool I taught a few swim lessons this summer.
It was a crazy fun time and I was able to get a nice tan even with 70 SPF (I am a granny) sunscreen.
Addi's Cousin Ashley came out with the Grandparents for a visit.
They had a great time together and Ashley was introduced to the excitement of a big 2-day swim meet. (Exciting meaning very long and lots of kids swimming back and forth across the pool)
Every month we load up a van (or two) of sisters and head down to the Columbia, SC temple. I go with the sisters nearly every month and I love it. I really like getting to know these ladies, they have all had remarkable lives and I am humbled to know them. They inspire me to improve!
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