Addi had a fun Christmas this year. She got a market with the works! Including a shoping cart, cash register, and a lot of food! When she first came out of her room she was a little unsure but then after she opened her first gift she got into a rhythm. She kept saying, I'm so excited, I'm so excited. Then at one point she said I'm so thankful I have more presents! Ohhhh my!

We spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day at the Genzale's where we enjoyed and Italian Christmas with all of the traditional Italian food. It was really delicious and I think I gained 10 pounds during those two days alone. The Genzale's were very nice and gave Addi a princess backpack with Go Fish, Old Maid, and Crazy 8's I was surprised and how quickly she caught on. They also got her some markers and special paper which of course she loves. We all had a nice relaxing time in front of the fire, reading christmas stories, and sipping sparkling cider out of crystal glasses.
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