Monday, March 24, 2008

Feeling Amorous

Before dance class began last week Addi and Hazel were pretending to be a prince and princess at a ball. They were so cute and very delighted with watching themselves dance and twirl in the mirror. I took a few pictures and as I was when I put my camera away that's when it happened...

...I hesitate to write this because I haven't informed Hazel's mother but when I looked up the prince and princess were doing the requisite end of show kiss! I quickly broke the couple up and explained that that's what Mommy's and Daddy's do and girlfriends only kiss on cheeks. They seemed very happy with that explaination and we had a very fun, smooch free dance class.
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Meg said...

How sweet. I love both of these shots. How in the world did you get the reflection to be in color? The close up shot of the faces is to die for. I love close shots. Of people. I love these. You are really good. Teach me!

bostonshumways said...

I think I'm the one to blame for the smooching. I let Hazel give me big long hard smackeroos on the lips way too often....maybe time to stop that?

megan said...

Ha ha! Very cute pics. You're awesome!