Sunday, December 7, 2008

Keep it Real

I usually do my Christmas shopping in the summer and I did, but then I wanted to hand-make something for my family members. And as many know it is a staggering number. Lately I've found myself so busy, and mostly with things that I've put upon myself, that I was not appreciating the significance the season as I should. I remembered being a child and having only one thing to worry many days until Christmas, and to make sure my secret buddy didn't find out who I was...OK I guess I had two things to worry about. So, I've tried to slow down and condense (not easy for me to do) and I feel like I've cleared the clutter and can focus on the REAL Christmas.


megan said...

Oh, I love your pictures, Angi!!!! So great!

Meg said...

This was touching. These pictures are so emotional and beautiful. Look at how cute your girl is. Look at how cute your house is! You are such a good photographer. When we open Persnickity Cricket, you should take the pix.

Meg said...

PS what are you making? I can't wait to see.

Rhiannon said...

that sounds oh -so-familiar! I'm pretty sure I have ulcers by now... i found myself wishing this season was over, so i could be rid of the stress, i felt bad that night as i was going to bed wishing that rather than enjoying this season & what it REALLY means, so i too am trying to S L O W D O W N!
i can't wait to see you! yahoo!