Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Amy's HERE!!!

We've been waiting and waiting for Amy's visit. She'll be here for a whole month and we're so excited. Here are some pictures we took of her at Piers Park
Addi wants to grow up to be a cow girl just like her Aunt Amy.
As you can see Addi is thrilled to have her aunt here. Amy gets roused from slumber every morning (probably earlier than she appreciates) with hugs and kisses from her biggest fan.

This is her Twilight pose.


megan said...

WHOA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check you out pro photographer--not to mention your hot model! Those shots are AMAZING! I HEART THEM. Cant wait to meet the sis.

Rhiannon said...

Very good pics! Hope ya guys have some fun plans.

Meg said...

She is so gorgeous and you are so talented. Amy is so grown up!

The Hardys said...

Check out that model! hehe the first one is my favorite, so cute :)