Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Well I finally did it! I opened an Etsy shop! It's named CUTstitchLOVE. I just put some aprons in there and I hope to have more things coming soon. I am definitely a beginner as far as snazzy pictures and shop design go but it's functional for now. I hope you like it!


ellen said...

I can't find your shop. Please put a link on your blog!

Meg said...

I must say that I own one of the top aprons and LOVE it. I love to wear it when I know someone is going to pop by. I feel so. . .cute? There is a better word I just don't know it. I get a lot of compliments.

CONGRATS Angi and good luck! Going there now!

Elisabeth said...

Wicked cute aprons! I wish I had your bod to put in one!! If I put that on I'd look like a lumpy sack of potatoes(that was wearing a really cute apron)
Congratulations on the shop!

The Hardys said...

Congrats! This is perfect for you with all your cute ideas!! Can't wait to check it out!