Friday, May 13, 2011

Panic is Setting In.

In a few weeks we will mark 1 year of joblessness...and panic is setting in.
I'm thinking perhaps one of three things is happening:

1. The Lord is letting nature run its course--probably.

2. We are having our expectations lowered (ala Jeff Shumway) so that we'll be happy with a low paying job in an unrelated field--possible.

3. We are just "paying our dues" up front for some fabulous, 'perfect for our family' job to be coming when the time is perfectly perfect.--Not Bloody Likely.

The reason we are alive and treading as well as we are now is because of the pure love and generosity of our family and friends. 
You've given us a place to live,
paid our bills,
given us opportunities to earn a little money here and there,
even treated us to outings,
encouraged us,
and in many humbling instances just handed us cash money.

I keep a list in my heart and in my little red book.  
I always want to remember your acts of love and selflessness in our hour(s) of need.
It is my responsibility never to forget what this feels like.
I hope it will make me more compassionate, less judgmental, more understanding.

Now we are asking you one more favor.
If you hear of a job, or know anyone we could talk to, please let us know.

Now for your entertainment a list of our odd jobs to date.
folded, stuffed, stamped and sealed 6,000 letters a week (for 4 weeks)
babysitting...lots of babysitting
Randall worked in shipping for an art company during Christmas
I've sold some of my crafts (aprons, lens pets, etc.)
Taught swimming lessons
Taught sewing lessons
I shot my first wedding reception
We clean a dental office on the weekends


Bardsleyland said...

OK, I might know of an opening with an estate planning firm in Boise very soon.

Email me and I'll get you in touch with my friend who could help you out.

A year? I'm so sorry Angi. I truly hope it will be over very very soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope this will be over very soon for your family too!

We've missed you. Your wisdom, creative talents, and of course those cheerleading jumps!

Josh said...

You guys may know about this site but one of my old mission companions posted it on facebook

If it helps good, if not, oh well. We really hope the drought ends soon. That is never fun.

Rhiannon said...

:( I think very often of your situation & how unfair it is. I wish so badly that I had "peeps" to set you up with.
Also YOU guys have been extremely generous to us while in your own trials. Now THAT, speaks volumes of your character.
If you want I could ask progressive in they are hiring at the moment? Let me know.
Ryan did a little advertising for you guys on fb... nothing so far from his end.

Sherene said...

It was great seeing you in March. I can't believe its been a year. We will keep you in mind and would be more that willing to recommend R for anything. We love you guys!

Anonymous said...

This is Jared, Josh Cook's friend. If you're interested, send me an email at and we'll give you free access to the site (you'll be able to send resumes to up to 200 firms quickly.)