Sunday, January 4, 2009

Box Obsession

Randall will be able to testify to this little obsession I got into. My friend Greg gave me some old cigar boxes from his Pharmacy and I decided to cover one with paper and make a box that Addi could keep her keepsake ornaments in....then I couldn't stop.
I made one for myself (I use it as a button box)

Then I made one for my good friend from the ward

At this point I was out of boxes and went back to see if he had any more

I was so excited that he had enough for my little sisters, nieces, my friend's daughter and one more for Addi.
I thought they would be cute for the girls to put their little "treasures" in


ellen said...

Lucky me got one! They are very cool.

Rhiannon said...

those boxes are so cute! you should see the one i tried to make ryan about 3 yrs ago for valentines day... he was less than impressed :) im sure he would very much like your though!
i still have the box (although not a cigar box) that you sent my birthday present in a few years ago... i use it to store my christmas ornaments.

Yvonne said...

Do you have an etsy shop? You totally should open one and make some extra money by selling all the cute handmade goodies you make!
I can't believe Addi is already 4! She is so grown up!