Monday, January 12, 2009

Crazy Lemon Band

Addi put together and named our sweet family band. This is our first concert given to an assortment of stuffed animals, dolls and Barbies.


Meg said...

Wow. That. Was. AWESOME! I somehow forgot how good of a singer you are even when you are joking around. I love the band name, too. Watch out East Coast! Here comes CLB!

turleybenson said...

Can you be my mommy?

Kate the Great said...

Hey Angie!
Krista turned me onto your blog. It is fabulous! I think the last time I saw you was about 6 or so years ago. What a cute little kiddo! Love your dark hair. You are hilarious and I wish your were my mom too!
thanks, Kate Spilker

ellen said...

The Crazy Lemon Band needs to hit the road! You've got it going!!

megan said...

Taylor says "Wanna do it 'gen mommy! Gen! Gen!" Our band would like to join your band.

Rhiannon said...

HAHAHAHA! The Crazy Lemon Band! You are the cutest family I know! Addi is extremely lucky! I don't think many parents would do that with their kids (on video at least.) Wait till Ryan sees this!!! He is going to be soooooo jealous! He always wants to do stuff like this.

Ashley said...

love ut! love ut! love ut! If you need a manager I am available, and maybe if you need a few back-p singers I know one thats fab! (ben) hehe and maybe someone on the kazoo (gabi), Or the keyboard (izze) she's been practicing everyday! and You know I would probably be the best fit for the background dancer! that's right!!