Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Someone broke into our house last night...
he came through the mail slot when everyone was asleep...

he ran across the couch even though it isn't allowed at our house...

he balanced on the thin ledge above the fireplace...

and jumped on the trampoline...

where he left a little surprise!

the booty: socks, shower puff, m&m's

The St. Patrick's Day spirit continued at Joy School where everyone toasted with their green apple juice.

And finally we finished the day with a steamy bowl of potato leek soup...I think the potatoes were from Idaho though...not Ireland.


Me said...

That is incredibly adorable!!

Mary P.

(Randall's cuzon :) )

Ashley said...

Lucky you guys! We didn't have any intruder come to our house, we're probably too far away from Ireland...he doesn't care about us.

Rhiannon said...

How cute! I hope I'm at your house next year for St. Patricks day!