Thursday, April 16, 2009



Rhiannon said...


ellen said...

Wicked sad.

Anonymous said...

Good choice! Jim LOVES UW. It's an amazing campus too. Rhi told me she gave you my # so feel free to call anytime so I can give you the scoop on good areas, wards and what have you!

Ashley said...

Hip Hip Horaaaaaaaaay!!! (not that it still isn't a flight, or a long drive away but I am still happy that you are closer!! I am so excited I hope that all this adventure and moving doesn't kill ya! Utah, Texas, Utah, Boston, and now Seattle.....that's a lot of long distance moves in such a short amount of time! You spontaneous and adventurous people!

Meg said...

WHOOOOOOOOA Girl! I can't believe you are going to make the huge move. WHOOOOOA. Fill in the deets soon.

Melissa said...

You stink.

Melissa said...

Not really. I just don't know how to express my disappointment in appropriate ways.......