Wednesday, October 14, 2009

...we inturrupt this travel log to bring you...

This AMAZING costume!! And she's giving it away!!!
Grosgrain: Queen of Hearts and Alice in Wonderland Costume Set GIVEAWAY!!!!


Ashley said...

Angi, I'm loving your trip journal. We did that drive coming from San Diego to Boston and included all the church history stops and Niagra Falls. So cool. We miss you here!

Meg said...

I want to marry her, too.
I am loving your trip. You are such an amazing photographer and a great writer too. Plus you guys are easy on the eyes so that doesn't hurt.

security word: supdain

Urban slang for "How are you, Man"
Was then shortened to "Wassup, Dog"
Then to, "Supdain" as in 'Great Dane'

Rhiannon said...

That is INSANE that anyone would just give that away!