She's officially a Draper Dragon.
We had to change Addi's school because of her swimming schedule and as you see she is still a little damp...
I was the kind of kid who wanted a new backpack every year, but this little gal forms strange yet deep attachments to things, we're going on three years with that backpack and lunch box (thank heavens their very washable) and do not be surprised to see them on the last day of her senior year.
She is really enjoying her school and she is bearing up well with the practice/school schedule.
It will become a little easier next week though because we are MOVING!!
Please understand me. We have been very lucky to stay with Randall's parents and it is because of their continued support that we can make this tiniest of baby steps forward but we are excited.
We will be renting a basement apartment that has everything we need and scarcely any more but we are very thankful to be there. And the proximity to Addi's swim and Randall's work is I said, we're excited.
Be sure to send me your new address. You know I like to send cards.
When are you moving? WHat day do you need me to come help? I have all your suitcases. . .so. . .
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