Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Utah vol.2

We're kicking off the final chapter of our Utah trip with 4-wheeling baby! Kris took the girls out on his quiet little street in PG.
And then he let them control the throttle!
It was Addi's first time on a 4-wheeler and she loved it!

She is anxious to go back to Kris' for more.
I'm so bummed I didn't get a picture of Marni (Kris' wife) and Aaden my adorable nephew that loves my guts almost as much as I love his.
We just about snuggled ourselves to sleep on Kris' fancy massage chair.
Next up was our girl's afternoon out with my BFF from forever Megan and her little girl Lily. We got pedicures (the little girls got their fingernails painted too) and sugar cookies.
(I realize now that I must be photo-journal-ly impaired...tell me I didn't get a single picture of Megan or Lily. My only excuse is that I don't like to impose my camera in people's faces...but I know these people would understand. Sorry.)

Addi was loving it!

You can see a corner of Megan's leg there. This was her first pedicure ever because she has a little toe thats...well...little. But whatever! I would love a little, little toe I say she should flaunt that baby.

Addi, thus inspired, set up a mani/pedi shop for Uncle Ryan...he's so obliging.

What a beautiful springy shade of pink!

Actually, Ryan is color blind and he said the paint looked grey...that is if you can trust that he knows what grey looks like...he IS colorblind after all.

Looking back there were so many fun things and people I can't believe I didn't capture.
I guess it's just testimony of the fun and relaxing time I had.
More stuff I didn't get a picture of but must remember:
Amy giving Addi and the little girls rides on her horse.

Exploring Grandma Shelli's "new" farm house & farm

Going on a lunch date with Great Grandmother Gourley

Wii fencing tournament with Ryan and Rhi...Rhi is still the champion

Having a "picnic" of crackers, oranges and cheese being cut from the brick at Jacob's soccer game

Ben's amazing food

Gardening with Ashley

Casey practicing his massage skills on my shoulders...still slightly bruised

There's nothing better than family I tell you and it is so nice to go home.

(Thanks Ben and Ashley for having us, you're the best hotel ever)