The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul. No matter our talents, education, backgrounds, or abilities, we each have an inherent wish to create something that did not exist before. --President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
...even if it is just a few ring cushions made with bits of fabric and hot glue.
These little beauties should come in very handy. I am always sewing with a mouth full of pins.
I am keeping the yellow one for myself.
The other three are traveling thither and yon to good, nice homes.
Awesome shoot! Hehe. I love it.
OK, seriously you crack me up!
Not sure what I like the more, the rings or the modeling. OUTSTANDING performance! As for the rings you invented, get them on etsy or something. They are so cool & sure you make you rich!!!
You are so funny! These are so cute! You should sell them, I would buy one! :)
Erin just said "What ARE those things!" LOVE THEM. Not that I use sewing needles often, but I think I'll get me some of them pincushions to wear around the house, or around town, or to the next Navy Ball.
PS--Check out your tricep in pic #5. Hot!
Those are so nifty and cute! Bit what's even better is the inspirtional modeling going on in these pics! Well done :]
Ever consider being a pincushion ring model?
Those. are. CUTE!
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