Friday, March 4, 2011

...while I was out.

I haven't been blogging much.
I'm in a bit of a curious place.
There really hasn't been anything new to report.
It's a little tiring and frankly a little depressing to keep saying:
No news,
No prospects,
No job.

I try to find ways to "escape."
I do all I can do, I do all I must do and then, I leave.
Not physically, of course but my mind takes leave of this place.

I have been reading like crazy.
Escaping into other lives and stories.

It is a strange sensation, a little jarring really to look up from a book and realize:
Oh! Wait! I'm still here.

So while a multi-media recommendation list is probably not what you were hoping to find here today...
tough cookies.

The first item on the list is not a book at all, it's a movie.
It's called Temple Grandin.
The true story of the real Temple Grandin.
She is amazing and so inspiring.
When I try to explain the movie or tell what it's about it always comes out sounding a little flat.
She's an autistic woman who works with cattle.
Not the sexiest scenario, I know, but I'm telling you this lady rocks!

The best part is, it's all true...
It is the story of an autistic woman who works with cattle.
And you must see it.


Now to the books:

Numbers 2 and 3 in the Flavia de Luce series.
The Weed That Strings The Hangman's Bag and A Red Herring Without Mustard, respectively.

These are every bit as good as the first one.
(The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie)

I don't know, I just can't get over them, they are as addicting as candy.

Cover Image
I've developed a habit of writing out clever quotes and phrases from the books in my notebook.
And I am trying desperately to add some Flavia's aphorisms into my own repertoire.
“It was enough to make an archangel spit.”
...see what I mean. 
"It was the "dear" that brought me snapping back. A "dear" or "dearie" to me is about as welcome as a bullet to the brain. I've had places reserved in the ha'penny seats of hell for people who address me in this way."
Cover Image
Now for the classics.
I may have mentioned this before but I believe my education in the realm of classic literature was poor.
I woke up one day and realized I hadn't read much classic literature at all.
So I decided to remedy that situation immediately.
And as I have endeavored to do so, I have found 4 things that inspire me to keep going.
1.  As I am reading these books I keep thinking, "wow this book is so amazing, everyone should read this." and then I think, "HELLO!! everyone has, that's why they call it a CLASSIC." --apparently I am not so bright.
2.  I am never offended or shocked by vulgar tirades or crude language or explicit scenes
...because there aren't any. 
I have closed many a "modern" book, sometimes even on the first few pages because of innapropriate words, themes or scenes.  It's sad really, you'd think that a "writer" would have a larger vocabulary.
3.  I'm actually kind of glad that I am reading them now, in my old age for the first time.  I feel like I understand, and come to understand much more and on more levels than I would if I were reading Steinbeck at age 15.
4. I love how relevant these works are.  I love the observations of human nature, it never changes.  I see people I know, and myself, in these characters that are sometimes hudreds of years old.
In my continuing quest to read as much classic literature as possible I have now added these few titles to my list.
Anne of Green Gables
L.M. Montgomery
I have this exact copy and I could not stop admiring it while I read.
"Oh Marilla, looking forward to things is half the pleasure of them, you mayn't get the things themselves; but nothing can prevent you from having the fun of looking forward to them."
Lately, I've been on a bit of a melancholia kick.
Possibly because of my current relationship with the theme.
But I've always loved sad songs best so...
As I Lay Dying
William Faulkner
"Sometimes I loose faith in human nature for a time; I am assailed by doubt.  But always the Lord Restores my faith and reveals to me His bounteous love for His creatures."
Les Miserables
Victor Hugo
"What is said about men often has as much influence upon their lives and especially upon their destinies, as what they do."
"Behind living on little, lies the art of living on nothing.  They are two rooms; the first is obscure, the second is utterly dark."

Maybe next time I'll have something more fun and exciting.
I hope so.


Rhiannon said...

Very inspiring! Thats it! I am going to start reading the classics! I want to be smart too.

To Love said...

Ahhh, I just finished "Anne-girl" today! I am now about to watch it as I fall asleep. Chances are, though, I will be up all night watching all 6-8 hours. Also, just today I purchased all 8 books in the series for .95 on kindle? FYI! And, call me. You and yours need to come to dinner this week. Really. I am emailing you right now.

Unknown said...
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Casey and Alex said...

I cannot tell you how perfect this post is! I have been DYING to find some new, exciting, addicting books to start reading, preferably a series, so this makes me so happy! I will have to check them out sooooon!

Natalie said...

Hang in there, my kindred spirit. You've proven time and again that you are stronger than nails and sweeter than summer for the struggle of it.

For a delightful, uplifting, inspiring book, read "The Blue Castle" by L.M. Montgomery. Your dreams will become more beautiful than sunshine. One of my all time faves. As are you.